

factory install

  • Explains how to install packages built with aidebuild.


(static) install_as_user()

  • Package installation to use the package.

    System installation

    • The required system installation, using the usual LinuX installer mechanism (either apt-get or dnf depending on the distribution) writes:
    # under fedora and equivalent
      sudo dnf     install git nodejs npm wget curl libcurl-devel python3-devel
    # under ubuntu, debian  and equivalent
      sudo apt-get upgrade ; sudo apt-get install git nodejs npm wget curl libcurl4-openssh-dev python3-dev
    • The g++ compilation chain is also required and used for C/C++ compilation, but usually installed.
    • A python installation is required for some packages and the 3.10 or 3.11 Python version is actually in use.
    • Complementary used tools are usual LinuX commands including bash.
    • A web browser defined in the global $BROWSER environment variable is also used.


    • This, presently, only works with a LinuX like distributions (including MacOS). A tutorial for a windows partial installation is available here.
    • If npm is already installed, you may have to run sudo npm install -g npm@latest to install the latest version or run npm cache clean --force to clear spurious files.
    • If during npm install the npm ERR! git dep preparation failed when trying to install package.json there may several difference causes (e.g., wget has been forgotten to be installed, or there is some spurious installation somewhere), no mircale, but do not hesitate to copy the whole error message and contact us.

    Complementary system installation

    • Depending on the package and usage the following installation are optional (without, the present mechanism will still work with reduced functionalities):

    Installing opencv

    • When using opencv there is a need to install, depending on the distribution:
    # under fedora and equivalent
    sudo dnf     install opencv opencv-contrib opencv-devel
    # under unbuntu and equivalent
    sudo apt-get upgrade ; sudo apt-get install libopencv-core-dev libopencv-contrib-dev

    see install_rasppi for more details on debian/RaspPi system

    • When implementing aide-group software on specific hardware such as tabletop on Raspberry-Pi and esp32gpiocontrol on ESP32, dedicated installation processes are documented within the package.

    • All other required tools are automatically installed and updated thanks to the npm mechanism, as defined in the package.json file, but:

      • The command:
        sudo npm -g install docdash js-beautify jsdoc uglify-js
        will install required package globally, and save local space and installation time.
    • Remark: Under some ubuntu instalation the some npm warm EBADENGINE and errors in minimatch occur withput imparing the installation.

    Installing a package

    • This is a npm package, installed using the npm command line tools. Here npm is used because it is a very simple mechanism with a large set of tools and an active and smart community, and it is particularly adapted to multi-language (C/C++ with Javacsript, and also Python) development, and very simple web-service design, including on small hardware such as the Raspberry-Pi, and is easy to adapt to smaller connected objects.

    • Given a package in the aide-group of name, say, wjson, simply either/or:

      • Run in your node directory:
     npm install git+
    • Add a line in the package.json file:
     "dependencies": {
       "wjson": "git+"

(static) install_as_developer()

  • Package installation to co-develop the package.

    • This is a git source bundle of a npm package, installed using the git and npm command line tools.

    • You must start installing the required configuration as explained for here.

    • To become a developer you need to:

      • Contact the aide support (e.g., to open a gitlab.inria external account (please explain your motivation).
      • Accept the invitation as co-developer of".
      • Create a secured computer ssh private/public key pair.
        • Create the key pair using, e.g, the ssh-keygen -t rsa command.
        • Choose the standard option to save the key in the ~/.ssh/id_rsa file.
        • Copy the public key pair on your gitlab account Note: Better do not reuse an existing private/public key but create a new one (you can have several ssh keys active on gitlab).
    • Given a package in the aide-group of name, say, wjson, simply either/or:

      • Choose a working directory.
      • In your working directory, clone the source bundle and change to the directory to install and test:
     git clone
     cd wjson
     npm install
     npm run build
     npm test
    • In order to recheck all elements rerun, in the package
     git pull ; npm run clean ; npm install ; npm run build ; npm test
    • In order to co-develop, change to the src directory and use make directives.

(static) install_a_new_package()

  • Initializes a package in order to be used with aidebuild.

    Initialization tutorial

    1. You must be registered on the as explained here.
    2. Create a git project in the proper group.
    • Consider choosing public vibility
    • Enter a one line project desctription when creating the project or in the Setting->Description menu
    • Do not initialize repository with a
    1. Note the Project ID
    • It is gettable from a little menu at the right of the project title
    • It is also readable on the Setting => General project menu page
    1. In the parent working directory, download and run
    • wget -q
    • sh ./
      • This interactive script, asking for the Project ID, will generate a working directory with the proper initial files (See below).
    1. Edit and complete the ./package.json meta-data file.
    1. Activate the gitlab pages, to allow the package web-site to be activated, i.e.: -On Left Menu => Settings => General => Visibility, project features, permissions (clic Expand)
      • Enable CI/CD to Build, test, and deploy your changes.
      • Enable Pages … to host your static websites on GitLab.
      • Clic Save Changes.
    • On Left Menu => Settings => CI/CD => Runners (clic Expand)
      • Enable Enable shared runners for this project.
      • Clic Save Changes. (If no Save Changes button use the button of another Settings item).
    • On Left Menu => Deploy => Pages
      • Disable Use unique domain option in order to obtain a https://$$group/$project standard URL

    The package.json non-standard options

    The package.json file is expected to contain:

    • The "name", "description", "homepage" (of the documentation), "version", "license", "author" (or "contributors"), "repository" (of the source files), "scripts", "dependencies", "devDependecies" usual fields, But since the specification is open, it may also contain:
    • Multiple authors under the "contributors" field as exemplified here, with "name", "email" and "url" items,
    • In the "repository" field an additional "project_ID" item, corresponding to the project ID on the gitlab forge.
    • A "usage" field which is a list a HTML lines, to complete the installation or usage documentation more….
    • A "softwareheritage" boolean field (default is false) to indicate that the software has been archived on using this link.
    • A "build_cpp" boolean field (default is true) to indicate that C/C++ compilation has to be performed.
    • A "swig" boolean field (default is false) to indicate the that the python wrapper has to be built.
    • A "gypfile" boolean field (default is false) to indicate that the node-gyp wrapper has to be built.

    Initialization hints

    • Your default branch must be master
      • to change (e.g. from main) to master consider the Settings->Repository+Branch Defaults menu
      • you also may have to unprotect the main branch in Settings->Repository+Protected branches menu
      • you better delete unused branches in Code->Branches menu

    Initialization details

    • This will create a directory with your project name and install the required files:

      • ./package.json is the project package meta-data file, which is pre-formatted with all possible predefined information.
      • ./src/makefile initial file, the required aidebuild include and variable templates, to partially clear if not used.
      • ./.gitignore standard file, allowing to have clean git push and pull operations without local generated files.
      • ./.gitlab-ci.yml standard file, allowing to generate a public web-site presenting and documenting the package, with a minimal ./public/index.html page.
    • The present installation is specific to package on the forge but is easily adaptable to other platforms.

    • You may also read the as a step by step tutorial and perform installation manually