

(static) answer(noerror, message, …parameters)

  • Returns a response to the web service.

Name Type Attributes Description
noerror bool

If true, uses the HTTP 200 code (no error), else the HTTP 400 code (bad request).

message string

The message, a string format à-la printf with more parameters if used.

parameters anything <repeatable>

Any message parameters.

(static) gpio_digital_timing_start(index, mode)

  • Starts the digital timing observation.

Name Type Description
index uint

The given pin index.

mode uint

The transition CHANGE|FALLING|RISING mode.

(static) gpio_digital_timing_stop(index)

  • Stops the digital timing observation.

Name Type Description
index uint

The given pin index.

(static) gpio_digital_timing_get(index)

  • Gets the last digital timing observation.

Name Type Description
index uint

The given pin index.


The last observation time in millisconds from the chip boot.

(static) setInterval(handler, delay, count)

  • Calls a handler at specified intervals (in milliseconds).

    • Functionnalities:
      • Periodic samplig: This corresponds to the setInterval(handler, delay) javascript mechanism.
      • Sampling stopping: The setInterval(handler, 0) is equivalent to cleaInterval(handler) javascript mechanism.
      • Timeout handler call: The setInterval(handler, delay, 1) is equivalent to setTimeout(handler) javascript mechanism.
    • Requirement: In order the mechanism to be used the setInterval_manage() function has to be added to the processor loop, as examplified here.
    • Precision:
      • The present loop()
        • is called about every 1 millisecond (without any action to performed), while performing a Serial.println requires about 2 to 3 milliseconds.
        • when implementing this setInterval management and the webservice client handler
        • while it is delayed by the web service handle routine.
      • The millis() returns the time passed since the board began running the current program.
Name Type Description
handler callback

The void handler() routine to be called.

delay unit

The intervals (in milliseconds) on how often to execute the code, 0 to stop the sampling.

  • This is performs in "best effort" mode, i.e., as soon as possible.
  • The 1st call is performed after the given delay.
count uint

The maximal number of calls, -1 for endless calls.